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About The Club

A Beautiful Tapestry

Christine Smith

The Gilchrist County Woman’s Club welcomes all women in our community--you don't have to live in Gilchrist County! It is comprised of ladies who come together to fulfill the design of the Club. Each member has time, talent(s) and treasure to contribute to the process of making the Club successful. Some contribute colorful thread, some contribute skillful handiwork; some contribute additional time as they are continually on the look-out for more colorful thread (ideas) to further beautify the Club, some contribute from behind the scenes and labor quietly in tasks that go unnoticed; some take leadership on a committee; some serve faithfully on the committee; some are detail-oriented; some are organizers; some are highly efficient and look for ways to improve a project;, some are not able to weave but are quick to use their gifts in other practical ways; some are reliable to assist at any time; some bring joy and laughter to a mundane task; some, who are more adept at the weaving process, become encourages and teachers to those who need to learn.

    When members work as one unit and participate in the weaving process with their time, talent and treasure, the result is a cohesive tapestry that beautifies the Club, its members and the community at large.

     We invite you to share your time, talents and treasures with us as an active weaver of the Club tapestry.

                      Christine Smith, President

In Great Things, Unity    In Great Things, Liberty    In Great Things, Charity


Keep us, oh God, from pettiness,

Let us be large in thought, word and deed.


Let us be done with fault-finding,

And leave off self-seeking.


May we put away all pretense and meet each

other face to face without self-pity and

Without prejudice.


May we never be hasty in judgment

And always generous.


Let us take time for all things;

Make us grow calm, serene, gentle.


Teach us to put into action our better impulses,

Straightforward and unafraid.


Grant that we may realize it is the little things

That create differences:

That in the big things in life we are at one.


And may we strive to touch and to know the great,

common woman’s heart of us all,

And Lord God, let us forget not to be kind.

Our Mission

Our History

The Trenton Woman’s Club was organized on February 22, 1929 with seven members present. Meetings were held in Club members’ homes. Land was purchased in 1945 for a permanent building. Later, an Army barracks was purchased from Camp Blanding that was remodeled and used as a clubhouse. The first meeting was held there in 1948.


As the membership grew, so did the need for a larger building. In 1984, two acres of land were donated to the Club by Zei Ling Sung, of Hong Kong, as a memorial to his wife. The “old” clubhouse was sold December 1988, and our meetings were held at the William T. Carlton Masonic Lodge, while plans were drawn up for the new clubhouse. The land was cleared and prepared for construction, and the ground breaking was held in April 1989.


With the support and help of the Trenton Rotary Club, the Trenton community, our Club members and friends, our beautiful clubhouse was completed in June 1991.


We then had a bank loan to pay off, which meant fund raising efforts went into high gear, ranging from the conventional to the unconventional. There were yard sales and chicken dinners, spaghetti dinners and Halloween parties; we also catered a Chamber of Commerce dinner and a Democratic Political Rally. We sponsored the Totters Races, participated in Down Homes Days, sold Keepsake Ornaments, and thousands of poinsettias. Drawings were held on a TV, VCR, rifle, lawn mower, Gator Ring, and even a pick-up truck. There were basketball games with the “Swamp Shooter” and one night of Wrestling. In March 1997, President Tammy Davis made the proud announcement that the loan was “PAID OFF” and we were debt free.


Our civic, social and welfare services have continued throughout the years, with an addition of a Scholarships going to a Trenton and Bell Senior. In 2004 we expanded our organization to include the entire County and are now known as the “Gilchrist County Woman’s Club”.



This history was originally written by Jean McCartin. It was updated to include our new name and

dedicated to her memory.

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